The Worst (Funniest) Hunting Products Ever Seen
Hunting Gear Hunting Gear

The Worst (Funniest) Hunting Products Ever Seen

If I were in a more curmudgeonly frame of mind, I could name anything that makes hunting easier or is higher tech that didn’t exist when I was younger: ATVs, trail cameras, cell phones, for instance. But, I can see how ATVs are a godsend to deer hunters; that trail cameras must be a lot of fun; and personally, since I am as bad as any teenager with my phone in the field, who am I to criticize them? Cell phones are a blessing for those of us with short attention spans when we have to sit patiently and wait for game. I know I used to do it before cell phones, but it was really boring.

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Target Panic: The Bowhunter’s Dilemma

Target Panic: The Bowhunter’s Dilemma

According to Wikipedia, there are 12-step programs for nearly 30 maladies—ranging from drugs and alcohol, gambling and sex, workaholics and online gaming. I say it’s time to start one for bowhunters who suffer from target panic.

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Deer Hunting Mistakes Guaranteed to Ruin the Rut

Deer Hunting Mistakes Guaranteed to Ruin the Rut

The rut is the Super Bowl of whitetail hunting. Bucks that typically behave like ghosts are suddenly vulnerable, and your chances of tagging a wall-hanger are at their highest. But whitetails are still whitetails—always cautious and rarely pushovers. So there are plenty of ways you can go wrong. Here are ways you can turn the annual breeding season into a surefire flop.

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