How I Celebrated National Trails Day and Ways You Can Honor It Too
National Trails Day (always on the first Saturday in June) recognizes all the great benefits federal, state, and local trails provide for recreation and exposure to mother nature. Events held across the U.S. help promote awareness of a wide variety of services the trail systems offer.

Fish Face Goods Moves Toward Better Eco-Friendly Packaging
My goal as a company is to make on-demand manufacturing the norm for Fish Face Goods. To achieve this every part of our business model needs to be aligned with our sustainability efforts. This means I’m constantly looking for ways to improve our eco-friendly packaging and eliminate any unnecessary layers.

Celebrating Happy Earth as a Fisherman or Woman
Earth Day is tomorrow! As fisher men and women, backpackers, paddlers or outdoor loving people let’s pause a take a moment think about what we can do to be better stuarts of our planet. Below I’m listing a few things I thought of we could all do individual to make a difference.

The Future is Here and So Are Electric Outboard Motors?
First off, electric outboard motors are not trolling motors. Unlike the trolling motors that only go at slow trolling speeds, todays true electric outboard motors can provide much higher power. They are designed to be used as the primary power source.

Buy a Tee, I'll Plant a Tree
I’ve been thinking about how I would like to give back to my community (my subscribers and followers of me and Fish Face Goods) other than sales and promotions that hopefully would make a lasting impact on the topics and things we do here.

How to Have a Conversation With Your Kids (and Grandchildren) About Climate Change
“Because it is good for Mother Earth.” A comeback from my five year old granddaughter on a recent camping trip to the Smoky Mountains National Park when I asked her to pickup any trash in and around our camp site. I was so pleasantly pleased (and a little surprised) by her reply.

Why the Great American Outdoors Act is a Huge Deal!
On June 17th, the U.S. Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act with a vote of 73 yays and 25 nays. This news made headlines across an America that was reeling from protests, amid the profound uncertainty of a pandemic, at a time of polarized politics at a scale and fury not seen since the Civil War.

Hanging On to a Young Deer Hunter
Today’s young hunters have different attitudes about hunting, some that might surprise you. It’s those attitudes that must be catered to if hunting is to survive into the future.