12 Ways to Organize Your Fishing Gear in Your Home
For the avid fisherman who has a lot of gear, keeping it all organized may be overwhelming. With many different types of lines, reels, and accessories, you might not know where to start. Will you create a dedicated room? What type of shelving should you install? How do you maximize space in your garage?

Things to Consider Before Buying Fishing Sunglasses
Sunglasses also protect your eyes from hooks, so get a pair with shatter-resistant lenses for added security

Never Lose Another Fish Fight Again
Knots fail. Leaders snap. Lures pop free. Whatever the reason, if you spend enough time on the water, you’re going to lose fish—probably some big ones to boot. Even the pros suffer break-offs. But not too often, because they learn from their mistakes. Here, six of the best share some of those painful lessons so you’re never deprived of another grip-and-grin shot again.

How to Choose the Correct Fishing Line
Buying fishing line used to be easy - you picked the brand, tint and breaking strength you like best, and head for the cash register. There wasn't much more to it.

Trolling for Walleye During Summer
Trolling for walleye is one of the most effective ways to find and trigger them in July and August. From the Canadian Shield to big rivers, prairie potholes, and the Great Lakes, pulling a variety of presentations helps cover water in search of active, catchable fish at a time when walleyes are scattered and forage is abundant.

Tactics for Summer Crappie and Bluegills
It’s always surprised me that as the spawn season wraps, a lion-share of anglers forget about crappies and bluegills—at least anywhere panfish vacate shallow water in favor of deeper, less-conspicuous haunts. Deep water has undeniable appeal to the lake’s largest specimens. Every time I’ve crossed paths with crappies in basins or bluegills on deeper flats and humps, they always are hefty, healthy animals, tails spilling well over the palms of our outstretched hands.

The Greatest Largemouth Bass Crankbaits
If you grew up in a fishing family, your Grandpa called ‘em plugs—wooden lures with a metal bill that vaguely looked like local preyfish. Along with topwater lures, crankbaits have been in our bassin’ arsenal far longer than spinnerbaits, jigs, or soft-plastic baits.

Fishing Smallmouth on Light Line
Scan the Internet for light-line smallmouth tactics and we see players shying away from the cutting edge like coyotes from a fire. Most want us to believe 8- and 10-pound lines are light. One tried to convince me 30-pound braid with a 10-pound leader is “light.”