You all know I love this time of year! Yea, Falls cool and all but Halloween is the best. My grandkids have already picked out their costumes and are ready to trick-or-treat.

Funny Fishing Jokes
I love a good joke. Who doesn’t right? I have searched the web for quality and funny fishing jokes. Some are pretty corny, there are a few Dad Jokes (what Fish Face Goods is somewhat famous for) all are clean (but that doesn’t mean I don’t like a good dirty joke)

5 Scary Campfire Stories to Creep Out Your Fellow Campers
Being that we are still in the month of October and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I thought I would keep digging around the internet for some creepy stories. Last week I shared a few scary fishing stories with you. This week I found a few haunting tales for around the campfire.

Scary Camp Fire Tails From the Woods
There’s something creepy about the woods. Perhaps it’s the deep shadows, the unseen animals lurking in the brush, or the absence of people and lights. After reading these creepy tales, you’ll never want to go camping again. Enjoy!

The 10 Deadliest Animals on Earth
The outside world has never been lacking for ways to dispatch you into the next plane of existence. Our nightmares are dominated by venomous snakes, shark bites, and wolf attacks, but you’re far more likely to die from a mosquito bite, the source of which kills more people than any other creature.

Worst Night in the Woods - Camping Horror Stories
In the woods, the night works like a megaphone, magnifying small sounds into big sounds and big into bigger. And there are so many things that can go bump in the night, from bears to thunder booms. However, night frights can make for frightfully good stories. With nods to well-known works of literature, here are some of those stories.