Ten Essentials Every Backpacker Should Have in Their Pack
Packing the “Ten Essentials” whenever your planning and multi day trip into the backcountry, just a day hike, is a good habit. Yes, on a short day trip you may use only a few of them or none at all, it’s when something goes sideways that you’ll thank yourself later for carrying these items that just might save your life!

What's My Favorite Fish to Catch You Ask?
Do you have a favorite fish you fish for? I'm asked this often. Like my answer to "Where's my favorite place to fish or be outdoors," my answer is basically the same - all of them. I fish for crappie, blue gill and walleye to eat. I fish for large mouth, small mouth bass, northern pike and muskie for the hunt and fight. I fish for trout mostly just to get out where they live.

Seriously I Don't Really Have a Favorite Place to Fish - I Love Them All
I was asked the other day if I have a favorite place to fish or be outdoors. Well, my favorite place to fish, that's easy, it's anywhere I'm fishing. Seriously don't really have a favorite place.

To Fish as Well as Fight
Even a slow day on the water can net wonderful results, especially when the fly fisherman is President of the United States - Dwight Eisenhower.

5 Scary Campfire Stories to Creep Out Your Fellow Campers
Being that we are still in the month of October and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I thought I would keep digging around the internet for some creepy stories. Last week I shared a few scary fishing stories with you. This week I found a few haunting tales for around the campfire.

Fish Face Goods Illustrator Troy Thomas Talks About His New Vintage Bronco Design
I wanted to tell you a little more about my new vintage Bronco four-wheel drive design . I love the older style trucks. The illustration has now been added to a t-shirt. I'm continuing on the theme of drawing off-road vehicles that get you where you want to go - into the outdoors.

Childhood Experiences Shaped My Love for the Woods, Rivers and Lakes
My first memories of the outdoors can directly be attributed to my mom. My first camping trip was a trip of a lifetime. I was in junior high school at the time, and why she decided to do this still puzzles me today. Along with her best friend, Mary, my mom and I did a guided five-night rafting/camping trip thru the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River.

Golfers Who Fish
When they’re focused on the course, they try their best to avoid the water. But when they’re not playing a round of golf, many golfers head straight for the water. Many top golfers are avid fishermen in their free time.