Please Don't Piss Off Your Fishing Guide
Fishing guides are reopening for business around the country after being seriously impacted by COVID-19 lockdown orders. As they get back to the lives they love, consider booking a fishing trip—they can use your help more than ever. Here’s how to be a better client (and catch more fish).
Never Lose Another Fish Fight Again
Knots fail. Leaders snap. Lures pop free. Whatever the reason, if you spend enough time on the water, you’re going to lose fish—probably some big ones to boot. Even the pros suffer break-offs. But not too often, because they learn from their mistakes. Here, six of the best share some of those painful lessons so you’re never deprived of another grip-and-grin shot again.
Targeting Spring Time Weed Line Walleyes
I have been involved in many discussions that focused around the strategies of locating fish. Although there are quite a number of theories that have merit, there are few anglers that disagree with the importance of focusing on edges.
How to Choose the Correct Fishing Line
Buying fishing line used to be easy - you picked the brand, tint and breaking strength you like best, and head for the cash register. There wasn't much more to it.
Pro Tips for Big Spring Walleyes
Once the ice melts, trophy walleyes are ready to spawn and ready to eat. Here are some expert tips to help you land the biggest walleye of your life.
Wrecking Ball White Bass
I wish I could say this “wrecking ball” discovery was the result of testing a cutting-edge angling hypothesis. In truth, it came about by happenstance. It was fortunate that I had enough fishing sense to see value when value presented itself.
Multispecies Systems That Catch Fall Pike
Even when I drive to a pike heaven like Rainy Lake, a Canadian Shield lake on the Minnesota-Northwest Ontario border, I usually begin with tactics that allow me to test the waters for the happening fish of the moment. Could be pike, but could also be walleyes, and at times smallmouth bass. Then I tinker from there, switching tactics to more accurately target whichever species is hot and happening.
Tactics for Summer Crappie and Bluegills
It’s always surprised me that as the spawn season wraps, a lion-share of anglers forget about crappies and bluegills—at least anywhere panfish vacate shallow water in favor of deeper, less-conspicuous haunts. Deep water has undeniable appeal to the lake’s largest specimens. Every time I’ve crossed paths with crappies in basins or bluegills on deeper flats and humps, they always are hefty, healthy animals, tails spilling well over the palms of our outstretched hands.