🎣 Off to the Show
This past weekend I went to the Bassmaster Classic in Greenville, SC. I had never been to one. I have never followed the Bassmaster nor carried much for the Nascar like comparison in my mind of the tournament.

What's My Favorite Fish to Catch You Ask?
Do you have a favorite fish you fish for? I'm asked this often. Like my answer to "Where's my favorite place to fish or be outdoors," my answer is basically the same - all of them. I fish for crappie, blue gill and walleye to eat. I fish for large mouth, small mouth bass, northern pike and muskie for the hunt and fight. I fish for trout mostly just to get out where they live.

Free Fishing Days During National Fishing And Boating Week
National Fishing and Boating Week is June 5-13, 2021. The majority of states are offering free fishing days or weekends during that time, so it’s a great opportunity to introduce a child or friend to fishing or to head somewhere new.

Muddy Water Bass Fishing
Muddy or stained water can make bass fishing challenging but there are ways to turn these conditions in our favor. For most anglers, muddy water is an occasional seasonal nuisance but for others, it is a constant fact of life. The guidance in this article will help pattern bass in muddy water and use the proper baits and presentations to put big bass in the boat consistently.

Never Lose Another Fish Fight Again
Knots fail. Leaders snap. Lures pop free. Whatever the reason, if you spend enough time on the water, you’re going to lose fish—probably some big ones to boot. Even the pros suffer break-offs. But not too often, because they learn from their mistakes. Here, six of the best share some of those painful lessons so you’re never deprived of another grip-and-grin shot again.

Bass Fishing’s Toughest Competitor
When discussing bass fishing’s toughest competitor, I bet the first thought coming to mind are some of the well-known professional anglers who fish the major tournament trails. However, this might not be true at all.

American Presidents Who Were Fisherman
Over the course of United States history, fishing has become arguably the sport of the American President. Whether it's because anglers are just inherently more likely to have sweeping political aspirations than other people or because presidents need the kind of quiet escape and stress relief that only a fishing trip can provide, history is dotted with presidents who spent their leisure time catching fish.

The Reasons You’re Not Catching Big Striped Bass in the Surf
Of all the qualities that make the striped bass one of the country’s premier game fish—including its tremendous strength, its regal purple sheen and stately black stripes, and its ability to grow to large sizes—perhaps the best is the striper’s tendency to feed close to shore.