Seven Lessons for Bigger Winter Pike
I was so smitten with pike that I pursued the big toothy critters with abandon throughout the winter months. That drive laid a foundation in my understanding of pike and taught me lessons that I’ve been able to refine to this day.
It helped, too, that I was able to bounce my on-the-ice observations off some of the greatest minds in the science community. Four decades later, we’re landing more and bigger pike than ever before.
Walleye Fishing Fly Ins
I’ll never forget my first fly-in fishing trip to a remote outpost camp in northern Ontario. I was a university student and had saved enough money from a summer job to take my dad, who had introduced my brother and me to fishing and who had always yearned to experience a fly-in trip.
Target Panic: The Bowhunter’s Dilemma
According to Wikipedia, there are 12-step programs for nearly 30 maladies—ranging from drugs and alcohol, gambling and sex, workaholics and online gaming. I say it’s time to start one for bowhunters who suffer from target panic.
Hanging On to a Young Deer Hunter
Today’s young hunters have different attitudes about hunting, some that might surprise you. It’s those attitudes that must be catered to if hunting is to survive into the future.
What Do You Think? Can Hunters and Conservationists Coexist?
Are the “murdering” hunters and the “tree-hugging” conservationists really searching for the same solution?
Late Season Catfish
Fifty-degrees Fahrenheit. That’s the magic number for channel catfish anglers in the fall. Above 50, catch rates can be fantastic, possibly the best of the year. Below 50, success depends on a lot of variables, but catch rates can still be good.
Tactics For Hunting Locked-Down Bucks
In early November deer hunting, those just-out-of-bow-range bucks seem to be everywhere—and you just know you’re going to kill one as soon as you can carry a gun to your stand. Then dawn breaks on opening day of firearms season, and you can’t spot a rutting buck to save your life.
The Search for Giant Perch
Yellow perch hold a special place in the hearts of hardcore panfish anglers. Seasoned anglers can recount the precise details surrounding the capture of their biggest yellow perch from decades past as though it was yesterday. Others spin tales of the day they got into a mother lode of jumbos and filled a fish basket too heavy to lift.